Robert Longo Exhibition at the ALBERTINA Museum in Vienna

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Vienna, Austria – The ALBERTINA Museum in Vienna is currently hosting an exhibition of works by American artist Robert Longo. The exhibition is open until January 26th, 2025.

Robert Longo Untitled (Eric), 1981 244 × 152.5 cm, Charcoal and graphite on paper Collection Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg · Paris | © Robert Longo / Bildrecht, Vienna 2024 Photo: Robert Longo Studio

Robert Longo was born in 1953 in Brooklyn and grew up in Long Island, New York. He is a renowned artist known for his hyperrealistic drawings. He uses charcoal to create large-scale pieces that often explore themes of power, politics, and history.

The exhibition features a range of Longo’s works, including his iconic drawings of news images that document significant events.

Throughout his career, Longo has experimented with various mediums, including music videos and large-scale charcoal drawings. His work is characterized by his technical skill and attention to detail.

Robert Longo Untitled (Protest for Mahsa Amini; Iranian Embassy, Brussels; September 23, 2022), 2024 177.8 × 224.2 cm, Charcoal on mounted paper Courtesy of the artist and Pace Gallery | © Robert Longo / Bildrecht, Vienna 2024 Photo: Robert Longo Studio
Robert Longo Untitled (Protest for Mahsa Amini; Iranian Embassy, Brussels; September 23, 2022), 2024 177.8 × 224.2 cm, Charcoal on mounted paper Courtesy of the artist and Pace Gallery | © Robert Longo / Bildrecht, Vienna 2024 Photo: Robert Longo Studio

The ALBERTINA Museum is presenting this exhibition as an opportunity for audiences to experience Longo’s unique vision and style.

A 208-page catalogue accompanies the exhibition, featuring texts by Elsy Lahner, Holger Liebs, and Cindy Sherman, as well as a conversation between Robert Longo and Isabelle Graw. The catalogue is edited by Elsy Lahner and Klaus Albrecht Schröder.

The exhibition is open to the public and admission information is available on the museum’s website.




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